Thursday, May 20, 2010


Salam pertemuan kepada semua pelajar2 JAD yang dikasihi,

Sekadar berkongsi harapan dan impian.

"A fool will lose tomorrow, reaching back for yesterday" - bermaksud:
Si kurang pandai atau Si bodoh akan kehilangan peluang untuk berjaya keesokan harinya atau mencapai kejayaan di masa depan atau di akhirat kerana sibuk tercari-cari perkara atau hajat yang telah hilang. Asyik mengenang kisah atau perkara yang dah berlalu.

A fool will lose the opportunity for greatness because he or she always thinking about things that have gone away, far far away.

Si bijaksana akan berusaha dan bekerja keras dengan perancangan yang betul untuk mencapai kejayaan dan kehebatan di masa depan atau di akhirat walaupun terpaksa bersusah dahulu pada masa kini.

A wiser will work hard with proper planning in order to achieve success and great heights in future and in the hereafter although he/she has to face hardship temporarily today.


Peribahasa English.

'Hujan di bulan APRIL, mendatangkan BUNGA-BUNGA di bulan MEI.

Ertinya: Sesuatu yang sukar, susah lagi menyusahkan SEKARANG, mudah-mudahan akan membawa kesenangan dan kenikmatan pada masa AKAN DATANG. Insya Allah.

There is meaning behind the words, as well. “April showers bring May flowers” is a reminder that even the most unpleasant of things, in this case the heavy rains of April, can bring about very enjoyable things indeed – in this case, an abundance of flowers in May.

“April showers bring May flowers” is a lesson in patience, and one that remains valid to this day.Many of life’s greatest things come only to those who wait, and by patiently and happily enduring the clouds and damp of April you can find yourself more easily able to take in the sights and smells of May. After all, it’s easier to love something if you begin with an optimistic outlook!

Selamat Berjaya!!!

Happy sharing!

Prof. Abdul Shukor

Kota Kemuning


  1. Salam,

    TQ kerana sudi tanya khabar... Sy agak sibuk kerana ada urusan ahli keluarga uzur dan tidak sihat. Doa kan semua nya sihat walafiat.

    Prof. Shukor
